Monday, March 8, 2010

My etsy shop is up and running

I did it!  I opened an etsy shop today to sell my hand-dyed fabrics.  It was pretty easy to do, but I admit I read a bunch of other seller's shop policies, etc to get a feel for what information I should probably have out there.   I was able to get the name "amys quilt room" to match the blog.

I put 4 fabrics up for sale today and will post another 3 or 4 tomorrow.  I did a bunch of dyeing this weekend since the weather was grand.  It was in the high 50's yesterday and reached 60' today.  I worked with my new fav fabric, cotton sateen.  I did some mottled stuff, some shibori, and some direct dye painting.  As always, I was happily surprised with my results, except for a yellow piece.  It just didn't mottle very nicely, so I overdyed it by first adding purple dye to the yellow fabric, followed by fuchsia.  I think it's my favorite one of the bunch now!

I'm calling it "Forest Light"



"Purple and Pink Parfait"


"Yellow and Orange Parfait"


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